
Showing posts with the label MySQL

2021 Top 4 Best Upcoming Flagship Smartphones : which are the best mobile phones for you..?

  Hi here are the top 8 best upcoming flagship smartphones of 2021 with high-end level features improved cameras stunning design and many other next-generation technologies will be applied that you will really enjoy also the price and the release date of the smartphones are discussed. Number four Asus Zenfone 8 Number three OnePlus 9 Number two Huawei P50 Number one Apple iPad Pro 12.9

Import UTF-8 languages from Excel to Database using PHP

Step 1 Reading different languages from excel and dump into database require you to make sure following: 1. Database Charset : UTF-8 2. Table Charset : UTF-8 3. Table Columns Charset : UTF-8 ( columns to store foreign language characters must be set to UTF-8) Step 2 Now we need to read Excel and import it into database, there are many libraries can be use to read excel file using php, I used PHPExcel Now, what we need is to setup database connection $cn = mysql_connect('localhost', 'db_user, 'db_password'); $db = mysql_select_db('TableName'); Now before use mysql_query we need to set following mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8"); mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET utf8"); Now, use mysql_query to INSERT records into database for UTF-8 characters Sample PHP Code using PHPExcel /** Error reporting */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE); if (PHP_SAPI == ...

MySQL: deleting tables with prefix

You cannot do it with just a single MySQL command, however you can use MySQL to construct the statement for you: In the MySQL shell or through PHPMyAdmin, use the following query SELECT CONCAT( 'DROP TABLE ', GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) , ';' )     AS statement FROM information_schema.tables     WHERE table_name LIKE 'myprefix_%'; This will generate a DROP statement which you can than copy and execute to drop the tables. EDIT: A disclaimer here - the statement generated above will drop all tables in all databases with that prefix. If you want to limit it to a specific database, modify the query to look like this and replace database_name with your own database_name: SELECT CONCAT( 'DROP TABLE ', GROUP_CONCAT(table_name) , ';' )     AS statement FROM information_schema.tables     WHERE table_schema = 'database_name' AND table_name LIKE 'myprefix_%';   Thanks to Andre Miller

Move specific records on top of the list beside ORDER BY

Suppose you have all countries name in MySQL db table like: and you want to show some specific countries on top of the list and remaining countries will start after them. So this query can do it. SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY country_name = 'Australia' desc,          country_name = 'United arab emirates' desc,          country_name = 'Pakistan' desc,          country_name = 'United kingdom' desc,          country_name = 'United states' desc,          country_name asc;

Creating SEO friendly URLs with the merger of Wordpress and CodeIgniter

Objective: Suppose you are required to create SEO friendly URLs with the merger of WP and CI, WP as front-end and CI as admin panel. You are adding projects with CI and showing detail of that project with WP. Steps: Code in controller (project.php) // create user friendly url string as per project name $pro_name = “new project name”; $pro_url = strtolower(str_replace(' ','-',trim($pro_name))); // insert in to wp_posts table $post = array( 'post_title' => $pro_name, 'post_name' => $pro_url, 'post_type' => 'page' ); $post_id = $this->utility_model->set('wp_posts', $post); // insert in to wp_postmeta table $postmeta = array( 'post_id' => $post_id, 'meta_key' => '_wp_page_template', 'meta_value' => 'project-detail.php' ); $this->utility_model->set('wp_postmeta', $postmeta); /* insert in to...

Check who had read email?

In your email content add this code <img src="<receiver_emailid" /> And in emailreceipt.php log it in to a database, although again this is restricted by the email client's ability to show images and sometimes it may even put the mail into junk because it doesn't detect an image... a workaround that would be to actually outputting an image (say your logo) at the end of that script.

How to sum total time utilize in each week of a month?

Assuming that the attendance table has a date column attendance_date , the below query may give you total time utilized per week in the month: SELECT WEEK (` attendance_date `) ` attendance_week `, SEC_TO_TIME ( SUM ( TIME_TO_SEC (` time_utilize `))) ` attendance_time_utilized ` FROM ` attendance ` GROUP BY ` attendance_week `; In the above query, the attendance_week is calculated as the week of the year, between 1 and 52. Another form of output might be to show weeks as 1,2,3,4. For it, you may try this query: SELECT (` attendance_week ` - ` min_week ` + 1 ) ` att_week `, ` attendance_time_utilized `  FROM (  SELECT WEEK (` ATT `.` attendance_date `) ` attendance_week `,  SEC_TO_TIME ( SUM ( TIME_TO_SEC (` ATT `.` time_utilize `))) ` attendance_time_utilized `,   ` T1 `.` min_week `  FROM ` attendance ` ` ATT `   INNER JOIN ( SELECT MIN ( WEEK (` attendance_date `)) ` min_week ` FROM ` attendance `) T1  GROUP BY `...